Friday, November 4, 2011

Blog Post #12: 5S Process

Post a record of a 5S process that you have completed. Post a before and after picture. Also, post a short narrative of how you addressed each of the "8s's" of the 5S process. Due Nov 11.

The 5S methodology is a program used to organize a workplace or area.  A list of Japanese words directs how to conduct this organization for a work space to be efficient and effective.  By storing items, maintaining the area and new organization work can be done faster, easier and simpler.  The 5S project I completed was my desk/work space at my college home which I use for homework and any other work I need to get done.  The before and after pictures are attached to this post.



The 5 S’s of this program are Seiri (Sorting), Seiton (Straightening or setting in order), Seiso (Sweeping or shining or cleanliness/Systematic cleaning), Seiketsu (Standardizing), Shitsuke (Sustaining the discipline or self-discipline), and there are 3 more words that have been added to this methodology; they are Safety, Security and Satisfaction.  I accomplished Sorting by going through the drawers I had at my desk and took out unnecessary items, such as pens or pencils that didn’t work or tools that didn’t need to be there.  I moved my lamp in a better position and added another cabinet/shelf for more space for my things.  I also sorted through some lists I didn’t need and condensed them.  Straightening or setting in order was done by rearranging my printer and drawers so I would have more space to do my work.  The drawers were organized so each drawer has a specific category.  Shelves close by were also reorganized so I could utilize them for items I might need while at my desk.  For Systematic cleaning I dusted my printer to keep it clean and I will keep the desk clean and ordered.  For Standardizing I equipped my drawers and shelves with everything I can think of that I will need for the type of work I do at my desk.  Because this is a new and better system I will be using Sustaining the discipline will be done by keeping the organization I have now and only changing things for efficiency sake.  Safety was achieved by adding a power strip on my plug-in with a circuit breaker so if I possibly overload the circuit I won’t blow a fuse.  Security is accomplished by moving any valuables I had in my desk area elsewhere so they can’t be easily found.  Satisfaction will be obtained by working more efficiently and hopefully seeing the benefits. 

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