Monday, December 5, 2011

Blog Post #15: Entrepreneurship

Choose a focus of either your final project topic or your career plan to develop an entrepreneurial assessment of yourself. This should be about a "1-page" activity. Some of these questions may help guide your thoughts: Do you want to be a "businessperson or an entrepreneur?" What traits and/or strengths do you see in your PDP that aligns with your thought? What weaknesses or opportunities for improvement do you notice that you would like to address to become a "businessperson or an entrepreneur?" Is entrepreneurship just about starting a business? Or is it much deeper and holistic than that? As the world quickly changes, which type of folks do you feel will be more on their "toes" and less on their "heels." Who do you think will achieve and live the happinesses that they seek in life?

The career plan that I have is to become a Physical Therapist working with sport/injury related patients.  I have never envisioned myself as starting my own clinic and dealing with the business side of Physical Therapy, the type of things that interest me include injuries, sports and improvement of health. 

Based on the lecture of entrepreneurship in class it sounds like I would rather be an entrepreneur than a businessperson.  This is only based on the differences we saw between the two.  I want financial freedom and free time with my family and friends, but I also want to stay safe, and I know I will worry about deadlines and paying bills.  These are qualities of both a businessperson and entrepreneur, so I feel like I would be a mixture between these two to achieve what I want.  In my PDP I stated in my long-term goals that I would work hard to earn a wage that will support my family which shows the businessperson side of me, but I also said I am interested in balancing family and career which shows the entrepreneur side of me.

A weakness that I have is worrying too much about things getting done on time.  I would like to address this because I know that it sometimes affects the way I do things and I might not get things done right.  Also worrying less can help me be less stressed in times when I shouldn’t be.  I feel like entrepreneurship is more about running your own life rather than just a business.  From what we discussed in class it seems like entrepreneurs are happier with their life and are in more control of what they have or are involved in.  Although this may not be true, I’m sure there are many people out there that are perfectly happy being a businessperson and prefer it that way.  They may work best like that and enjoy life more if they do what they do according to what they prefer.  I feel like people can work just as well if they are on their “heels” than on their “toes”, it’s just a matter if they prefer it one way or another.  If people seek happiness according to the way they want, they will be happy and have a sense of satisfaction.